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Evaluation of efficacy of a training module regarding biohazards associated with materials used in prosthodontics for dental students – A cross-sectional study

Department of Prosthodontics, Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

*Corresponding author: Pranali Dilip Malekar, Department of Prosthodontics, Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College and Research Centre, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, transform, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

How to cite this article: Malekar PD, Deshpande S. Evaluation of efficacy of a training module regarding biohazards associated with materials used in prosthodontics for dental students – A cross-sectional study. J Adv Dental Pract Res. 2024;3:2-6. doi: 10.25259/JADPR_12_2024



This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a training module for dental students on biohazards associated with dental materials.

Material and Methods:

Single group pre- and post-test design was used. One hundred undergraduate dental students were enrolled. Ninety-two students responded to the questionnaire.


Post-test score improved significantly after the session.


There was an improvement in the knowledge regarding various aspects of biohazards as a result of this module.


Ergonomic hazard
Chemical hazard
Dental materials


A hazard can be defined as a source of potential damage, harm, or adverse health effects on something or someone at work. Biological hazards are biological agents that can cause harm to the human body.[1]

Prosthodontic practice requires contact with restorative and auxiliary dental materials of widely different compositions, such as metals, resin-based synthetic polymers, cement, and impression materials, and restorative materials,such as dental amalgam, composites, and dental ceramics.[2] Prosthodontic hazards may affect the patient, the dentist, the dental laboratory technician, or the dental assistant.[3]

The potential risk of irritant chemicals, inhalation of vapors, dust particles, and injury from high-speed rotary equipment and flammable materials always exists in prosthodontic practice. The students need to be aware of all the hazards and protective measures to avoid them.[4]

Therefore, this cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a training module regarding biohazards associated with materials used in prosthodontics for dental students.

Aims and objective

The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a training module regarding biohazards associated with materials used in prosthodontics for dental students.


Approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee of Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College and Research centre, Nagpur was obtained. IEC/VSPMDCRC/46/2021, dated 17th February 2021.

Study design

This study was a cross-sectional study with pre-post-design.

Study sample

One hundred undergraduate dental students were enrolled. Ninety-two students responded to the questionnaire.


The first section includes student’s demographic data and the second section includes a pre-validated questionnaire. A pre-validated questionnaire is developed and validated for checking the knowledge of students regarding biohazards of dental materials in multiple-choice, Likert scale, and open-ended format. This self-administered questionnaire was shared in the form of a Google form and the link was shared on the respective WhatsApp group of students.

The steps in conducting this investigation are as follows:

  1. Recording pre-test scores using a questionnaire

  2. Conducting training modules on biohazards and their prevention using didactic lectures as well as demonstration

  3. Recording post-test scores using the same questionnaire.


Statistical Software: IBM SPSS 2020

Tools: Descriptive statistics was expressed in terms of frequencies and percentages. McNemar test was used to test the significant difference between pre-test and post-test responses. Results are depicted in Figures 1-10 and Table 1.

About 98% students were well aware about various types of occupational hazards in both the tests.
Figure 1:
About 98% students were well aware about various types of occupational hazards in both the tests.
About 69% students were correct in the pretest but the result improved to 97% in the post-test and the P value is significant.
Figure 2:
About 69% students were correct in the pretest but the result improved to 97% in the post-test and the P value is significant.
About 87% students were correct in pre-test and result improved by 10% in post-test to 97%.
Figure 3:
About 87% students were correct in pre-test and result improved by 10% in post-test to 97%.
About 50% students gave incorrect answer in pretest and result improved by 42% in post-test to 92% and P value is significant.
Figure 4:
About 50% students gave incorrect answer in pretest and result improved by 42% in post-test to 92% and P value is significant.
About 59% students gave correct answer in pre-test and value improved in post-test by 92%. GIC: Glass ionomer cement
Figure 5:
About 59% students gave correct answer in pre-test and value improved in post-test by 92%. GIC: Glass ionomer cement
About 92% students gave incorrect answer in the pre-test and result improved significantly 91% student gave correct answer in their post-test. EGDMA: Ethylene glycol dimethylacrylate, MMA: methylmethacrylate, TEGMA: Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate, UDMA: Urethane dimethacrylate
Figure 6:
About 92% students gave incorrect answer in the pre-test and result improved significantly 91% student gave correct answer in their post-test. EGDMA: Ethylene glycol dimethylacrylate, MMA: methylmethacrylate, TEGMA: Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate, UDMA: Urethane dimethacrylate
Pretest only 29% students were correct and result improved to 93% in post-test.
Figure 7:
Pretest only 29% students were correct and result improved to 93% in post-test.
About 52% students were correct in the pre-test and result improved by 89% in the post-test.
Figure 8:
About 52% students were correct in the pre-test and result improved by 89% in the post-test.
Got similar result in both pre- and post-test.
Figure 9:
Got similar result in both pre- and post-test.
In pre-test score was very less as it is a factual question but score increased significantly to 93%.
Figure 10:
In pre-test score was very less as it is a factual question but score increased significantly to 93%.
Table 1: Descriptive statistics.
Categories Pre test Post test P-value
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Are you aware about biohazards caused by various dental materials?
  No 4 4 16 16
  Not sure 6 6 10 10
  Yes 90 90 74 74
Have you ever experienced any biohazard (e.g., allergic reaction) in your pre-clinical practice?
  No 73 73 54 54
  Not sure 4 4 20 20
  Yes 23 23 26 26
I feel confident while using various dental materials?
  Strongly agree 10 10 24 24
  Agree 78 78 63 63
  Strongly disagree 0 0 8 8
  Disagree 12 12 5 5
There should be special emphasis on biohazards during regular teaching-learning and assessment?
  Strongly agree 56 56 47 47
  Agree 43 43 38 38
  Can’t say 1 1 13 13
  Disagree 0 0 2 2
What are the different types of occupational hazards?
  Physical hazards 1 1 1 1 0.000**
  Biological hazards 1 1 4 4
  All of the above 98 98 95 98
Biological agent that causes harm to human body are
  Biological hazards 69 69 97 97 0.000**
  Chemical hazards 24 24 1 1
  Ergonomic hazards 1 1 0 0
  Physical hazards 6 6 2 2
The ability of material to induce cancer is
  Carcinogenicity 87 87 97 97 0.022*
  Genotoxicity 1 1 0 0
  Mutagenicity 8 8 3 3
  Teratogenicity 4 4 0 0
Which of the following elements of dental casting alloy is highly allergic?
  Cadmium 25 25 3 3 0.000**
  Chromium 17 17 4 4
  Copper 8 8 1 1
  Nickel 50 50 92 92
Silicosis is a common biohazard caused due to which of the following materials?
  Amalgam 13 13 0 0 0.000**
  Ceramic 59 59 92 92
  Composite 9 9 3 3
  Glass Ionomer Cement 19 19 5 5
Which element used in denture base resin causes a severe cytotoxic reaction?
  Ethylene glycol dimethylacrylate 10 10 5 5 0.000**
  Methylmethacrylate 23 23 1 1
  Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate 59 59 3 3
  Urethane dimethacrylate 8 8 91 91
Which among the following impression materials is highly cytotoxic?
  Addition silicone 11 11 2 2 0.000**
  Condensation silicone 17 17 0 0
  Polyether 29 29 93 93
  Polysulfide 43 43 5 5
Most common route of entry of mercury vapor is
  Both “a” and “b” 37 37 9 9 0.000**
  Ingestion 9 9 2 2
  Inhalation 52 52 89 89
  Skin 2 2 0 0
Which of the following is true about monomers?
  Cytotoxic effects 2 2 6 6 0.998
  Highly flammable 2 2 2 2
  Irritant to eyes and skin 4 4 1 1
  All of the above 92 92 91 91
Safe level of mercury exposure in dental office is
  40 mg Hg/cubic meter of air/day 51 51 2 2 0.000**
  50 mg Hg/cubic meter of air/day 25 25 93 93
  60 mg Hg/cubic meter of air/day 21 21 5 5
  80 mg Hg/cubic meter of air/day 3 3 0 0

Bold values: *significant (P<0.05), **highly significant (P<0.01)


There are various types of occupational hazards, namely, physical hazards, chemical hazards, biological hazards, and ergonomic hazards. It is important for the students to be aware regarding the same so that their deleterious effects can be prevented.[5-10] Thus, we conducted this study for evaluation of efficacy of a training module regarding biohazards associated with materials used in prosthodontics for dental students. A pre-test was conducted. A comprehensive didactic session was conducted, followed by post-test. Results of both the tests were compared. The majority of students became aware of biohazards caused by various dental materials after the session, and results improved significantly in post-test. Many students acknowledged the importance of knowledge about biohazards and relevant precautionary measures to avoid them in routine practice.


This module was effective in improving the understanding of the students regarding various biohazards and strategies to overcome the same.

Ethical approval

The research/study is approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee at Ranjeet Deshmukh Dental College and Research centre, Nagpur, number IEC/VSPMDCRC/46/2021, dated 17th February 2021.

Declaration of patient consent

Patient’s consent not required as there are no patients in this study.

Conflicts of interest

Dr. Saee Deshpande is on the Editorial Board of the Journal.

Use of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technology for manuscript preparation

The authors confirm that there was no use of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technology for assisting in the writing or editing of the manuscript and no images were manipulated using AI.

Financial support and sponsorship



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